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Oregon Department of Human Services

Become an Oregon Resource Parent

Company Address:
1040 Harlow Road
Springfield,OR 97477
Phone Number:

Contact Brandyn Rice to ask questions about the next steps and process of being certified.



How to Get Started

Step 1: Find out More

ODHS offers in person orientation and other informational sessions to becoming a certified resource parent. Orientation and information sessions are great opportunities to talk with staff and ask questions. If you are interested in first reading more online, feel free to review the Resource Parent Orientation manual. The information in this manual is covered in the in-person resource parent orientation. To find out about your first steps to resource parenting, please connect with our trusted partner, Every Child.

Find out more about foster care and resource ?parenting in the following videos.

Still have questions? Request more information by doing one of the following:

Step 2: Make the Decision

Becoming a resource parent will bring big changes to your life. It is essential that every member of your household considers what this journey will mean to them. In thinking through this great decision, here are a list of questions that may help you in your decision making:

Not sure if you are ready to take the step to be a resource parent? There are other ways you can help!

Even if today you cannot commit to becoming a resource parent or if resource parenting is not for you, there are other ways you can help in your community and to help a child in foster care. Visit "Who can help a child in foster care? You can!"

Step 3: Attend Training

ODHS offices around Oregon offer a series of classes designed to prepare prospective and current caregivers for parenting children who have experienced abuse or neglect. To become certified you must complete? required training and renew your certification every two years.   Visit our Training page for details.

Step 4: Complete an Application

Submitting a completed application to the local ODHS Child Welfare office is the first step in beginning the official journey. A certifier will be assigned to review your application and discuss next steps with you. You will need to complete some paperwork available through your local ODHS office; the assigned certifier will provide these documents to you. You will also be required to provide contact information for at least four references.

Every adult member in your household will need to consent to criminal history and child abuse background checks.

Step 5: Have a SAFE (Structured Analysis Family Evaluation) home study

The SAFE home study is a comprehensive assessment of you and your ability to provide for the health, safety and wellbeing for children who may be placed in your home. A certifier is assigned to do the home study. The process begins a series of interviews, home visits, meeting your children and others who may also live in your home, safety/fire inspections and sometimes medical information from your doctor.
Once a positive home study has been completed, this information is used by staff to determine placement matching between a child and family.

Step 6: Accepting a Child

Once paperwork and background checks are complete and the home study is approved, your certifier will discuss placement of a child(ren) in your home.

Working together with ODHS, you will decide which children best suit your family and home. Before a child comes into your home, you will be given information about the child to help you decide if the placement is right for you.

Step 7: Home Visits from Caseworkers, Certifiers, and Others

After a child is placed in your home, you can except regular home visit contacts with the child’s caseworker. Caseworkers are required to see the children monthly, with being at least every other month in your home. The caseworker will want to spend time separately with the child and with you.

Your certifier is required to be in your home at least every six months or more often depending on specific circumstances.

Both the child’s caseworker and your certifier can assist you in locating services needed by the child, for your family, or by answering questions.

When the child enters your home, there are several required assessments that you need to be aware of:

Others visiting your home: If the child is assigned a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) or attorney, these individuals will make contact with you to discuss the child and may request to meet with you and the child in your home. If the child is referred for specific services, these service providers will also make contact with you and may request to meet with you and the child in your home.

Step 8: Next Steps?

All certified resource families are required to complete ongoing training during each two year licensing period. There are several opportunities for continued training and resources – visit our training page for further details or ask your certifier.